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Living with Arthritis


Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints which can be debilitating and even crippling. Arthritis is not a single disease, but rather a class of different diseases often called a "syndrome".  This means that it can be caused by many different illnesses - each of which requires specific treatments.   These articles explain the differences between various types of arthritis and offer additional resources both to enhance your understanding and to assist you in locating any aids which can help preserve independent living for anyone facing the challenge of arthritis.  While not a substitute for the advice of a health care professional, we hope you find them useful.

Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 articles) Result Pages:  1 
Below is a list of articles with the most recent ones listed first.
Arthritis Overview Topic: Arthritis
Arthritis, which means inflammation of the joints, is a condition that causes pain, swelling and limited movement in one or many joints of the body. Arthritis can be caused by many different illnesses and must be treated accordingly. The treatment for arthritis may include medication to reduce the p...
Published: Monday 01 September, 2008
Osteoarthritis Topic: Arthritis
Osteoarthritis is a disease of the cartilage, which is the protective shock absorber that separates bones and keeps them from rubbing together. Once this protective substance is destroyed, the bones will grind on each other and lead to joint injury. Although the exact cause of Osteoarthritis is not ...
Published: Monday 01 September, 2008
Rheumatoid Arthritis Topic: Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic condition that affects the joints with swelling, redness and pain. It affects the joints in the arms and legs, specifically the wrists, fingers, knees and ankles. This type of arthritis is distinguished from other types of arthritis by its symmetry. This type of art...
Published: Monday 01 September, 2008
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 articles) Result Pages:  1 



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