Recreation - In Retail Store Only

Aids for your recreation needs
Playing cards with friends should be a time of fun not frustration and embarrassment.We at LifeSolutionsPlus want to help by providing a unique selection of playing card holders and playing cards for those with poor vision. Our cardholders will hold any kind of card for you while you enjoy the game. We even have a game aid that shuffles cards!
In addition to playing cards, we know that doing jigsaw puzzles is a great help for those dealing with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The Puzzles to Remember provide the opportunity to connect with past memories and foster patience. These puzzles are available in 36, 100 and 350 pieces, designed to match the skill level of the patient in order to stimulate the brain but not to frustrate. These puzzles are great for kids to work on with grandparents. I can speak from personal experience that doing jigsaw puzzles help to stimulate and heal the brain. I am a TBI survivor and I always have a jigsaw puzzle on my dining room table so I can spend time each day challenging my brain.
Check out our card holders and jigsaw puzzles to see if they can work for you!
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Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 solutions) | Result Pages: 1 |