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Activities of Daily Living

Activities of Daily Living (ADL's)  are things we do for ourselves every day - often without thinking about them.  This includes dressing ourselves, bathing, grooming, preparing and eating meals, home maintenance and housekeeping and other mundane actions.

The impact of health challenges such as Low vision or the decreased flexibility, strength and endurance associated with various illnesses or the affects of aging are often most visible in the course of  these simple pursuits.

It is our pleasure to provide a number of articles describing tools and methods available for overcoming obstacles to successful self management of activities of daily living. 

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 articles) Result Pages:  1 
Below is a list of articles with the most recent ones listed first.
Easy Independent Personal Hygiene with No Rinse Products Topic: Activities of Daily Living
By now you’ve seen the commercials for no fuss, no mess and no water hair shampooing; the ones with the fashion models swinging their freshly and dryly washed gorgeous locks around ready for a new day in half their normal prep time. While No Rinse shampoos have been making a comeback on the low mai...
Published: Saturday 17 March, 2012
Pillow Your Body in Comfort with the Right Support Pillow Topic: Activities of Daily Living
If you have ever awakened with a back ache or neck pain, or if you toss and turn all night, not able to fall asleep or stay asleep, you know how miserable it can make you feel. Starting off with a migraine, a headache or a stiff back does not make for a good day going forward. Sleeping with your spi...
Published: Sunday 15 January, 2012
Peddle Your Way to Healthy! Topic: Activities of Daily Living
Did you make an announcement that your New Year’s Resolution was to exercise more, but you just can’t get motivated in the summer heat? Not to mention our busy schedules, who has time to go to the gym? Have you considered buying a pedal exerciser? They can give you a full-body workout and help impro...
Published: Wednesday 27 July, 2011
The Life of Leisure for Those with Limited Mobility Topic: Activities of Daily Living
All work and no play can make for a really dull day! Are we right? Even if your day isn’t full of work, not being able to enjoy regular leisure activities can have a bigger negative impact than most people realize. The work to play ratio becomes rapidly evident when something goes wrong with our he...
Published: Monday 14 February, 2011
Dressing Aids for Seniors Make Life Easy Topic: Activities of Daily Living
Remember when you were between the ages of 3 and 5 and getting dressed by yourself was a big, but welcomed challenge? While once putting on your shirt was an adventure for the day, for those suffering from symptoms of arthritis, other infirm or even just the natural decline in mobility as we age, th...
Published: Thursday 08 April, 2010
Bathroom Safety for Seniors Topic: Activities of Daily Living
Growing older may seem like a natural, graceful process, but the progression is often all but smooth. As we age, many activities that we used to do without a second thought become difficult and, in some cases, can even be dangerous. One area of independent living where seniors face the most chal...
Published: Sunday 21 February, 2010
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 articles) Result Pages:  1 



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