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Actimove Orthopedics

Actimove Orthopedics

We'll Help You Find Carpal Tunnel Relief and More with our selection of Orthopedic Supports. FLA Orthopedics has now merged with Actimove Orthopedics.

There are few things more trying than limb and joint pain. Simple tasks like buttoning a shirt or even walking to the mail box become difficult and frustrating. That's why we offer this collection of Orthopedic Supports to relieve your pain and restore mobility to hands, arms, feet, and legs. Find a huge selection of Orthopedic Supports like:

- Wrist Splint
- Elbow Support 
- Hand Splint
- Back Brace 
- Knee Support 

Like all of our products, our Orthopedic Supports and Braces are guaranteed to help you get on with your life. Use of these Orthopedic Supports and Braces will relieve pain, promote healing and help strengthen muscles in the effected area to provide a solid foundation for joints and bones.

Life Solutions Plus is committed to providing the best products available for independent living at the lowest possible price. Shop our selection below!


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