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Remembering Medications is Easy with Pill Organizers and Accesso

by Ed Dunning

Most people that take daily medication manage to do so without any assistance. However, taking medication only when needed versus as needed is a concern when it comes to senior citizens and loved ones with either busy lives or impaired judgment. Skipping medication can have life determining consequences. Fortunately, today there are many medicine organizers on the market to help those who need reminders or just like the convenience of quick pill access.  

Daily pill organizers , weekly medicine organizers and even monthly pill dispensers are available to make remembering medications so much easier.  Most are extremely affordable and a god sent for managing multiple prescriptions.  Today, medicine organizers come in an array of shapes, styles, sizes and colors.  Depending on your required pill intake and type of lifestyle you live, there is a medicine organizer just for you.

If you are a traveling person, there are compact pill organizers that are small and fit easily into your handbag or suitcase.  For the person that must take a sizeable amount of pills each day, there are containers that hold as much as a 14 day supply. Medicine organizers are not just a tool for the elderly who need help with remembering to take their pills; they allow family members, caregivers or neighbors to observe how medication is being taken as well.

Just as helpful for those that need to take medications regularly, there are combined pill splitter / pill crusher medicine organizers on the market as well. This can be used for those medications the doctor may prescribe to take as one-half pill in the morning and the other half at night. Or for anyone that has trouble swallowing a pill, especially children, the pill crusher is a great tool to have!  One of the best on the market does either or both and has a storage compartment for extra pills too.  This also is small enough to fit in your bag or suitcase as well.

For the lucky person that may only need to take one pill a day, which could be just a daily vitamin, there are medicine organizers small and perfect just for you.  Sometimes getting those child-proof caps off is a challenge for even adults!  There are large gripers and bottle cap opener tools that are great for making adult-proof caps come off easily.  Now there is a small size bottle cap opener too! Keeping it washed in just plain soapy water will keep the tackiness needed to grip small lids and open them with ease, and again, carry it with ease in your handbag or suitcase.

With so many options and variations available, pill organizers and medicine organization accessories are the perfect tool for improving independence when it comes to medications. The beauty of having so many options available is being able to find the right fit for individual needs.  Making sure the needs and the abilities of the person taking medications are a good match for the pill organizer, splitter, crusher and openers.   

Managing medication is important regardless of our age and those taking a multitude of medications and pills, it can be complicated. Now with the right medicine organizers, whatever your needs are, you can find a solution that works perfect in your daily routine.

This article was published on Sunday 15 January, 2012.
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