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Hip Replacement Surgery

by Ed Dunning

From severe hip joint pain caused by arthritis to a variety of other serious and mild hip joint pain symptoms, total hip replacement is a common solution to disorders that affect the hips.  Hip anthroplasty is the name of this medical surgery that is often recommended for lasting improvements of hip joint functions after injuries like breaks and fractures with the ultimate goal of pain-free and liberated movement after a total hip replacement.
Unfortunately, achieving pain free movement after hip replacement takes time and the healing process is quite arduous.  To make life easier after surgery, it is wise to prepare your home and post-surgery environment with helpful medical equipment especially designed to make recovery easy.  Recovery takes confidence and ambition.  These powerful emotions can be quickly defeated when a patient feels helpless or unable to accomplish daily activities without the assistance of a loved one or care taker.  There are life solutions for hip replacement recoveries that make simple chores easier.  

Bending is an obvious issue post hip replacement surgery.  Try tying your shoes without bending at the waist or hip.  Fortunately there are products like extended shoehorns , easy pull sock aides and elastic shoelaces to make the shoe mountain easier to tackle.  What about bending over to pick something up without using your hips? Can’t do it? That’s what the Reacher is for.  Now try lifting your leg into bed or even changing positions in your chair without the use of your hip joint and muscles.  You will without a doubt find the task pretty hard and that is exactly what leg lifters were designed to make easier for patients recovering from hip joint replacement.

One area of the home that always belittles the esteem when assistance is required is in the bathroom and asking for help with daily hygiene.  Simple tasks like using the bathroom and showering can really weigh on one’s self confidence when we are unable to have these private moments alone.  There are a ton of solutions for the bathroom that will make hip replacement recovery a more independent experience.  Adding a toilet safety frame with a raised toilet seat will do wonders for building independence in the area.  A shower chair and extended scrub sponge take the trouble out of self bathing and there are even lotion applicators that allow those with limited hip mobility to reach areas that they their initial limited movement would not allow.  

Recovery after hip joint replacement is not only about mobility and movement.  It is equally as important to let this vital ball and socket joint rest.  There will be a definite need for elevating, heating and icing your hip as part of your recuperation.  Rather than struggling with your bed pillows to get a comfortable support system for resting there is the Carex line of cushion and support pillows that are specifically designed to provide support and comfort in just the right areas, so you can truly relax and regain your strength.  Medibeads provide a moist heat or cooling alternative to traditional hot/ice packs and their natural bead design conforms to many positions.  Traditional hot and cold packs like Protocold and ActiveWrap for the back do a great job providing much needed therapy for sore hip joints.  The Bed Buddy line of heat packs is also a great option thanks to its contouring features and the extra herbal fragrances add to the overall therapy of this down time vital to recovery.

Regular practice with walking and strengthening and conditioning exercises after hip replacement surgery will result in faster recovery.  Mobility aids are another great addition to the home medical equipment to have on hand after hip surgery.  Walkers equipped with baskets or walker bags are an excellent option when first arriving home.  The stability of the walker makes getting around safer and as mobility improves there are a variety of Carex canes that will continue to provide support with less bulk.  For continued physical therapy at home, exercise balls and bands are a great option for not just rehabilitating your hips, but for whole body physical strengthening.  As more mobility is restored, a pedal exerciser or exercise pulley could also be introduced.  

Recovery after total hip replacement is dependent on a number of factors including bones and muscles and the overall health of the patient.  More importantly it depends on the patient’s rehabilitation efforts, both mental and physical.  By including aids for independent living in the recovery plan, the road to better hip health is shorter and sweeter.

This article was published on Sunday 07 November, 2010.
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