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Folding Bedside Commode Seat with Commode Bucket and Splash Guard [rtl11148kdr]

The deluxe folding bedside commode by Drive Medical is designed to meet your needs. The frame can be configured to be used as a bedside commode, toilet safety frame, elevated toilet seat or over your existing toilet. The tool free removable back makes configuring the commode easy for any application. The armrests provide a comfortable place to rest on when sitting and indicate a safe place to grab making sitting and standing easier. The push button height adjustable legs makes sizing a breeze allowing this commode to be used as an elevated toilet seat. In addition to comfort this commode can be folded with out tools making storage and travel convenient. The blue power coated steel welded construction ensures strength and durability able to hold up to 350 lbs. The product comes complete with a snap on seat and lid, 12-quart commode bucket with cover and convenient carry handle, plus splash guard. Width between arms is 18 inches. Outside width is 22 inches and seat width is 13 inches.  Seat depth is 14.5 inches.  Seat height adjusts from 15.75 inches to 21.5 inches. Product weight is 13 lbs. The product is protected by a limited lifetime warranty.

Quantity on hand : 99999

Personal Hygiene Item - Non-Returnable:  .
Oversized Item - Ground Ship Only Additional Shipping Charges:  .

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 01 February, 2012.


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