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Carex Raised Toilet Seat [LS768]

The Carex Raised Toilet Seat is an economical solution for persons who experience difficulty sitting down or getting up when using the bathroom.  The contour raised seat offers a wider seating area and fits most standard and elongated toilets.   This plastic toilet seat adds 5 in to the height of a regular toilet.  The toilet seat has skid-resistant rubber pads to keep it in place.  The product weight is 4.5 lbs. and the weight capacity of the seat os 300 lbs. The opening dimensions are 9.25 in x 7.5 in. The dimensions of this toilet seat are 15 in w x 16 in d x 7 in h.

Quantity on hand : 99999

Personal Hygiene Item - Non-Returnable:  .
Oversized Item - Ground Ship Only Additional Shipping Charges:  .

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 04 August, 2006.


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