Big Grip Utensils [NC65591] The large, easy-to-hold Big Grip handles on these eating utensils are made of a soft, rubber-like material that is comfortable to hold and adapts to any grip. The metal shaft on each stainless steel spoon and fork allows it to be bent to any angle. The rocker knife uses an easy rocking motion and minimal arm strength for cutting. The rocker knife is also available with a serrated blade. The souper spoon has a raised lip that helps to keep liquids and food the spoon. These kitchen utensils can be used with either the right or left hand. These unique kitchen utensils are ideal for people who have arthritis, weak grip or limited arm movement due to stroke. The eating utensils are sold individually. Dishwasher safe. Quantity on hand : 0 Personal Hygiene Item - Non-Returnable: . This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 01 April, 2004. Fork [NC65591] Fork $0.00 Quantity : Rocker Knife [NC65592] Rocker Knife $0.00 Quantity : Rocker Knife with Serrated Blade [NC65585] Rocker Knife with Serrated Blade $0.00 Quantity : Small Spoon [NC65595] Smll Spoon $0.00 Quantity : Souper Spoon [NC65590] Souper Spoon $0.00 Quantity : Tablespoon [NC65594] Tablespoon $0.00 Quantity : Teaspoon [NC65593] Teaspoon $0.00 Quantity : We Also Recommend : Big Grip Weighted Utensils $0.00 Buy Now Customers who bought this product also purchased Clean Life Shampoo $0.00 Buy Now Nose Cut-Out Cup $0.00 Buy Now Bed Tray $24.95 Buy Now Norco Wash Mitt $15.95 Buy Now Long-Handled Dust Pan and Brush $24.95 Buy Now SureFit Clear Food Guard $0.00 Buy Now
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Best Sellers 01.Big Grip Utensils02.Key Turner03.Big Grip Weighted Utensils04.E-Z Grip05.FeatherLite Reacher06.Easy Turn Lamp Switch Adapter07.SureFit Clear Food Guard08.Rocking T Knife09.GripWare Round Scoop Dish10.Long-Handled Dust Pan and Brush Customer Reviews The Drive Toilet Safety Frame has been a great safety featur .. Shoppers Now Online There currently are 3 guests online. Articles New Articles (0)All Articles (22)Activities of Daily Living (6)Care Givers (3)Health Maintenance (5)Nutrition (3)Occupational Health (1)Vision Care (1)Arthritis (3) Store Feeds Stay up to date on assistive technology and independent living products using our RSS FeedsBrowse to a specific category to narrow the feed selectionProducts Reviews Articles Topics Product Category