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NOVA Memory Foam Knee Pillow [2677-R]

 $0.00 Foam Knee Pillow_2677-R Small.jpg NOVA Memory Foam Knee Pillow
The NOVA Memory Foam Knee Pillow is ideal for those who  have difficulty sitting or sleeping due to hip, leg, back, or joint pain.  Hourglass design promotes proper parallel alignment of the legs, hips, and spine during sleep.Helps to reduce discomfort in the lower back, legs, hips, ankles, and joints.  Improves circulation and decreases pressure and strain on the affected areas. Includes adjustable strap to keep pillow securely positioned between the legs during sleep.  Soft and luxurious charcoal bule Velour like fabric cover is removable and washable.  Dimensions are 8 in x 10.25 in x 7.25 in.

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 08 May, 2024.


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